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Experience Authentic Healing PDX
Many people are curious about acupuncture techniques, what will occur during an appointment, and how long it will take to feel better. Initially, acupuncture involves weekly treatments, depending on the patient’s health condition. Most treatment courses consist of approximately twelve sessions. Acute issues are typically resolved within a few visits.
What to expect on the first visit
The first visit begins with a comprehensive health history assessment including questions relating to Traditional Chinese Medicine and experience with acupuncture, herbs, massage, aromatherapy and diet.
Tongue Analysis
Following the initial intake, the tongue is examined. My tongue, you say! Why? The tongue reveals conditions through its color, coating, size, and shape. Learn more about the importance of the tongue in TCM.
How long are appointments?
The first appointment takes approximately one and half hours whereas the following appointments are 45 minutes to an hour.
During the session
After the intake, you will relax on a massage table, face-up, face-down, or on your side, depending on insertion point. Sterile needles are used on the points that resonate with your optimal healing. Frequently, the acupuncturist will leave the room during the session for a 10-15 minute period while the treatment takes effect and you relax. Children are never left unattended. Peaceful music is available if you wish.
Recommended clothing
Arrival clothes can be kept on with the fabric being lifted to expose the area of work. Loose fitting pants and top are recommended for ease of movement.
How does it feel?
Pain is different for each individual. Acupuncture does not hurt, but it is felt. Single-use disposable sterile needles are always used and each point will have a different sensation Acupuncture is at the top of the list for complimentary modalities used to treat numerous conditions. If the experience of pain was severe it would not be as popular as it is. Most people report occasional zinging or tingling, and an intermittent heavy feeling.
Many common herbs are used, such as ginger, cinnamon, fennel, garlic, ginseng, chrysanthymum, goji berries and plums. There are other herbs you may not be familiar with such as Dang Gui (angelica root) or Haung bai (Phellodendron).
How does it work?
After the intake, specific herbs are combined to create a formula. The beauty in this process is the specific formula that matches and treats your individual health problem. This formula can be altered to suit the changes in your healing process. Herbal medicine has the ability to be very specific to each person’s needs, which is what makes it so powerful. To be effective a proper diagnosis must be made.
How is it prescribed?
There are two methods used to prescribe herbs in TCM. Patent Formulas are in pill form and specific to a set of symptoms. Granule or Bulk herbs are multiple individual herbs combined to create a formula specific for your needs.
Authentic Healing uses only the highest quality herbs and they are free of heavy metals.
Call 503-501-4565 for more information or book now with Shannon.