
Video and audio to support your health.


Here are just a few ways to support your immunity at all times.

Meridian Stretches | Relaxation

These Meridian stretches/exercises (called Makko Ho 真向法 ) are used as a self healing technique to nourish (tonify) and sedate the meridians and the organs. These stretches help improve the flow of Qi (energy) in the body

Take your time and breath deeply with each movement and stay in each stretch for 15-30 seconds if possible. It is best to do the series 3 times in a row if time permits. Always take care of your body and stretch to where you feel your edge but not (bad) pain.

METAL Lung/Large Intestine

To stretch these meridians, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with the knees relaxed and unlocked. Link your thumbs together behind your back. As you exhale, raise your arms up behind you and, keeping your legs straight, allow the torso to bend forward. Hold this position on inhalation, and then settle further into the stretch on exhalation (for three respirations). Hold this position before slowly rising to the original position. The compensation exercise for Metal is to step forward while opening the chest by swinging the arms out.

EARTH - Stomach/Spleen

To stretch these meridians, sit in seiza (kneeling) between your heels and, if you can do the stretch without straining the knees or the lower back, lie back flat on the floor with the arms outstretched on the floor above your head. Do not attempt this stretch if you have problems with the knees or lower back. You can go partly into the stretch by supporting your upper body with your arms and leaning gently back and, when in this position, thrust the pelvis forward

There is an alternative exercise for Earth if there is a history of back problems. Stand with the feet together, ground yourself, and then lift one foot off  of the floor and clasp it behind you. As you exhale, draw the leg upward behind you, keeping the knees close together. As with the other stretches, hold the stretch on inhalation, then go further into the stretch on exhalation. Repeat this for three respirations, and then repeat on the other side.

The compensation exercise for Earth can be done standing, seated, or in seiza. Using the forearms, you “walk” down the quadricep muscles from hips to knees.  Repeat, at least, four times.

FIRE – Heart/Small Intestine

To stretch these meridians, sit with the soles of the feet against each other and with the feet pulled in to you. Relax the legs to allow the knees to lower. Clasp the feet with both hands and, with the back held straight, bend forward from the pelvis as you exhale. Hold this position on inhalation, and then settle further into the stretch on exhalation (for three respirations). Hold this position before slowly returning to the original sitting position. The compensation exercise for Primary Fire is to remain seated in the “butterfly” position and bounce the legs gently or to rock from side to side.

WATER - Kidney/Bladder

To stretch these meridians, sit on the floor with the back held straight and your legs straightened out in front of you. Raise the arms above the head, and as you exhale, bend forward from the hips, with the knees kept straight. Hold this position on inhalation, and then settle further into the stretch on exhalation (for three respirations). Hold this position before slowly returning to the original sitting position. The compensation exercise for Water is to reach for the opposite foot, or to walk forwards and backwards on the buttocks.

SECONDARY FIRE - Pericardium/Triple Heater

To stretch these meridians, sit with the legs crossed (if possible, in the lotus position or the half-lotus). Cross the arms so that the opposite hand is to the leg is on top (i.e. If the right leg is to the top, the left hand is to the top) and hold on to the knees. Bend forward as you exhale. Hold this position on inhalation, and then settle further into the stretch on exhalation (for three respirations). Hold this position before slowly returning to the original sitting position. The compensation exercise for Secondary Fire is “Standing as a Tree”. Stand with one leg cocked with the foot in front of the opposite thigh, and bend forward. An alternative is to hug yourself while turning from side to side.

WOOD - Liver/Gall Bladder

To stretch these meridians, sit up straight with one leg outstretched, flat on the floor, and with the foot upright. The other leg is tucked into the body. Bring your hands above the head with the palms facing each other and, on exhalation, lean sideways over the outstretched leg (keeping both buttocks on the floor). Hold this position on inhalation, and then settle further into the stretch on exhalation (for three respirations). Hold this position before slowly returning to the original sitting position. Repeat on the other side. The compensation exercise for Wood is “Knocking at the Gates of Vitality” with the feet fixed.

Letting Go | Shaking Exercise

This shaking/letting go and relaxation exercise is just 5-10 minutes and can be done daily or many times in the day if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious or fatigued.

This exercise supports our central nervous system in relaxing as well as increasing circulation to our brain and entire body.

Stand with your feet hip distance apart, relax your shoulders and hips, feel your feet firmly on the ground. Begin to gently shake your body, relaxing starting at the top of your head and moving the shaking all the way down to your feet. Imagine you are letting go of anything you do not need, physically and emotionally. Once you have released all parts of your body allow the shaking to stop and quietly stand and feel the vibration moving in your body. Take a slow deep breath in as you raise your hands up over your head and release your breath as they come down in front of your body with palms touching. Take a moment to center and calm before you move on with your day.

"Ever seen an animal right after they get a fright? They tend to suffer from
a brief, involuntary shaking fit before they relax and go on their merry way”

Voluntarily shaking can have a similar calming effect. Scientists believe that tremors turn down the central nervous system’s automated and hyper-aroused fight, flight or freeze response by creating a movement that releases the built-up energy and tension held in the muscles.

So enjoy yourself, shake gently or shake swiftly if it feels good, always be gentle with your neck area and listen to what your body needs in moment. Let go of what no longer serves you physically and emotionally. Let your nervous system relax and find ease and have lots of fun too! If you have kids include them too! You may find that laughter is the healing element to this exercise.

Guided Floor Meditation